Thursday, January 30, 2020

Visitor in Singapore Art Museum Essay Example for Free

Visitor in Singapore Art Museum Essay Executive summary As the tourism industry is doing well throughout the world, there are a lot of tourism sites which has gained benefits from it and one of it is the Singapore Zoo. However, many of the tourism sites do not aware of the visitor-related management issues that are happening under their area of control. For the Singapore Zoo, there is currently an overcrowding issue which has brought detriments for them. In order to deal with the overcrowding issue, the manager of the Singapore Zoo can implement one of the management planning tools such as Visitor Management Impact which will be discussed in this report and also strategies which can help in reducing the impacts from the overcrowding issue. 1. Introduction Tourism industry has gained large popularity and brought a lot of benefit for tourism destinations since the last decades. However, most tourism sites only concern about how to obtain maximum profit from the visitors and neglected the issues which might caused negative impacts and led to failure in achieving the management objectives. The main purpose of this report is to identify the visitor-related management issue of Singapore Zoo and discuss the possible causes and impacts which arise due to the issue identified. Moreover, some management actions in term of approaches and strategies will be recommended in order to deal with the management issue encountered by Singapore Zoo. 2. Background of Singapore Zoo The Singapore Zoo, also referred to as Mandai Zoo and formerly known as Singapore Zoological Gardens is opened on the 27th of June in 1973. Furthermore, the Singapore Zoo is built on a 28 hectares piece of land with a grant from the Singapore government. The zoo applies a modern method of displaying animals in almost natural habitats providing the visitors a chance to view a large number of animals which is around 316 species contains of 36% threatened species (Singapore Zoo, 2011). The Singapore Zoo is visited by a large number of people of both local and international origins daily and often it is beyond the carrying capacity of the zoo especially on the public holiday. In addition, the popularity of the zoo and  the large number of visitors creates a problem that hampers an adequate service delivery (Barr, 2005). This problem is the problem of overcrowding and consequential problems resulting from it (Appendix 2). 3. Overcrowding issue in the Singapore Zoo Due to the popularity of the Singapore Zoo, the zoo has been experiencing large visitor numbers, thus, resulting to inefficient service delivery. Overcrowding in the Singapore Zoo has resulted to various problems which causes the Singapore Zoo to become a risk zone. 4.1. Causes of overcrowding In the Singapore Zoo, the problem of overcrowding can be attributed to various factors. These factors include lack of adequate guides in the zoo, lack of an adequate viewing space for various species of interest to the visitors, small size of the zoo premises, purchase of entry tickets at the zoo, and lack of special tracks for the disabled who use wheel-chairs. 4.2.1. Lack of adequate guides in the zoo The lack of enough support staff in the Singapore Zoo also contributes to overcrowding. This happens as a result of haphazard movements in the zoo by various visitors. Moreover, most of the visitors utilizing more time per individual and the continuous time wastage cause the visitors in the zoo at any time of the day to face congestion (Milner, 1981). 4.2.2. Lack of an adequate viewing space for various species of interest to the visitors The zoo’s setup has also contributed to overcrowding by not matching demand and supply. This is so, because the viewing space for various unique and interesting species is the same as for the animals with fewer viewers. For example, most of the Singapore Zoo’s visitors are more interested with the White Bengal Tiger but the viewing space for observing the species is inadequate and lead to crowding (Milner, 1981). 4.2.3. Small size of the zoo premises Since 1973, the size of the Singapore Zoo has remained constant, despite the  growing local and international popularity. This has resulted in the unavoidable overcrowding, since the same location is visited by more visitors at any given time. Lack of an adequate space has also caused overcrowding due to the lack of adequate parking spaces in the zoo. The congestion is also worsened by poor parking in the available parking slots (Milner, 1981). 4.2.4. Purchase of entry tickets at the zoo The purchase of entry tickets at the zoo by incoming guests has resulted to overcrowding at the entry points for the incoming visitors. This paints a negative image of the zoo with the new visitors who at times have short schedules ending up in having little time to view the diverse species in the zoological garden. The act of purchasing entry tickets in the zoo also causes fatigue to the visitors, especially during the very hot days as they await either to be served or to have their tickets processed (Milner, 1981). 4.2.5. Lack of special tracks for the disabled who use wheel-chairs Over the past, the global recognition of the rights of the disabled has led to more visits by people on wheelchairs and other disabled carriages. The influx of the disabled and their assistants on the same paths as the other individuals at times causes overcrowding, since the varying terrain causes slow movements for the disabled, hence causing congestion (Kisling, 1988). 4.2. Impacts of Overcrowding The effects of overcrowding in the Singapore Zoo have wide reaching effects on the tourists, the wildlife, and the zoo infrastructure and image. The various impacts include pollution, conflict between visitors, insecurity, and poor satisfaction level of visitors. 4.3.6. Pollution The overcrowding of the Singapore Zoo results in a variety of environmental pollution. The noise from the consequent overcrowding of the zoo results in a great distress to the wild animals due to the interference to the animal space. Furthermore, high levels of stress to the wild animals can result in poor health, as well as death of some valuable animal species. Overcrowding  has also contributed to the rise in the levels of litter in the Singapore Zoo and led to the loss of the internal beauty of the zoo. Litter has also been found in the enclosures of the wild animals, leading to consequential ingestion of the litter, which causes poisoning to the animals. In addition, pollution has contributed to people opting to choose other recreational sites, therefore causing a downshift move in the status of the Singapore Zoo (Kreag, 2001). 4.3.7. Conflict between visitors According to Schneider and Hammit (1995), conflict is a continuing issue featured by minor annoyance incidents which have a cumulative effect. When there is an overcrowding, visitors may demonstrate bad attitude or behavior against each other therefore conflict occurred. Based on the observation undertaken in the Singapore Zoo, conflict between visitors arose in several situations for instance during the long queue for tram inside the zoo and from the outside when visitors are queuing at the bus stop and taxi stand (Appendix 3). 4.3.8. Insecurity Overcrowding of the Singapore Zoo has led to the straining of the available support staff. This has caused an increase in the instances of insecurity which have manifested as frequent thefts of visitors’ items and visitors crossing over the set barriers or taunting the animals, thus attacked by the animals. These incidents happened due to the lack of adequate staff to keep track of the visitors’ behavior (Innes, 2006). 4.3.9. Poor satisfaction level of visitors When visitors expect that Singapore Zoo is a good recreational site whereas it shown such a poor service performance, the satisfaction level of visitors eventually drop. Moreover, the consequence is loss of popularity and a decline in the number of visitors, hence loss in the income of the zoo (Kreag, 2001). 4. Recommendation This section of the report will describe the potential management approach  which can be use by Singapore Zoo and suggest some strategies to minimize the impacts of overcrowding. In order to solve the serious issue of overcrowding, the management of Singapore Zoo can choose to implement the management planning tools. These tools include the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS), Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC), Visitor Activity Management Process (VAMP), Visitor Impact Management (VIM), and Visitor Experience Resource Protection (VERP). However, this report will focus on the VIM approach as a recommendation for the management of Singapore Zoo. 5.3. Visitor Impact Management approach VIM is a management planning tool that focuses on the visitors’ activities and their impact with a series of processes and techniques. This framework consists of eight steps processes which are created to deal with the issues to impact management (Pigram and Jenkins, 2006). 5.4.10. Step 1: Preassessment date base review The main purpose of this step is for the management to identify and review the information related with the situation which they already had in order to fully utilize the information on hand during the visitor impact management process. In this step, the manager of Singapore Zoo can do a review on their policy documents and the information of their visitors or the survey on their visitors which they have done before (Pigram and Jenkins, 2006). 5.4.11. Step 2: Review of management objectives The second step of the VIM process is to review the relevant management objectives to the current situation. It is important to have an unambiguous and specific management objective so that the service provider can measure their performance level to know whether they are operating according to their management objective (Hendee Stankey, and Lucas, 1990). For Singapore Zoo, they have an objective which is to bring people closer to the nature therefore they need to ensure that the services they provided for visitors do not stray from their initial management objective. 5.4.12. Step 3: Selection of key impacts indicators In this step, there are many measurable indicators for the associated management objective which need to be identified. The most important thing is to choose the essential variables or attributes based on the ecological and social impacts which will be used as an indicator (Appendix 4) (Pigram and Jenkins, 2006). Accordingly, Singapore Zoo needs to select the most relevant impact indicators with regard to their current situation. 5.4.13. Step 4: Selection of standards for key impact indicators After impact indicators have been chosen, the next step is to set standards for those indicators. Moreover, the standards to be set are depending on the management objectives of the service provider and these standards will be used as the basis against the evaluation of existing situation (Pigram and Jenkins, 2006). Similarly, the Singapore Zoo need to set a standard for the impact indicators selected in step 3. 5.4.14. Step 5: Comparison of standards and existing conditions Once the previous steps have been carried out, the next step is to compare the key impact indicators and the related standards. If there is no discrepancy between the key impact indicators and the standards, it indicated that there is no unacceptable impact and the only thing that needs to be performed is monitoring the situation for future changes (Pigram and Jenkins, 2006). However, from the discussion above, the Singapore Zoo in facing an overcrowding issue therefore it is necessary to move on the next step of VIM process. 5.4.15. Step 6: Identify probable causes of impacts At the first part of this report, the probable causes of impacts regarding the issue encountered by the Singapore Zoo have been identified. But, if the Singapore Zoo really wants to execute the VIM approach, they need to do research with the purpose of finding the most significant causes of the issue (Pigram and Jenkins, 2006). 5.4.16. Step 7: Identify management strategies After the probable causes of the visitor impacts have been identified, the next step is to brainstorm and construct the suitable management strategies  that can be used to reduce the visitor impacts problem. Furthermore, the visitor management strategies are classified into two different categories which are the indirect and direct strategies (Appendix 5). So, the Singapore Zoo can choose to use the indirect or direct method or both in order to fix the overcrowding issue (Pigram and Jenkins, 2006). 5.4.17. Step 8: Implementation The last step of the VIM process is to implement the management strategies as soon as possible to minimize the unacceptable impacts. However, the program does not stop until here, instead the service provider need to continuously monitor and observe whether the strategies implemented has generated desired outcomes (Pigram and Jenkins, 2006). 5.4. Strategies The problems that Singapore Zoo faces and the effects of the existing problems can be mitigated. Indirectly, the administration of the Singapore Zoo should ease the ways of getting tickets in other places than within the zoo. Some of these methods include the use of online marketing companies and partnering with tour providers to offer tickets to their clients on behalf of the Singapore Zoo. This will help to reduce congestion by improving service delivery (Graefe, Kuss, and Vaske, 1990). Furthermore, the Singapore Zoo should provide both offsite and onsite education about the need of appreciation of the recreational environment for the visitors so they will participate in conserving the recreational values. In addition, the Singapore Zoo should charge higher admission fees during peak season in order to decrease the number of visitors coming to the zoo. On the other hand, some of the direct visitor management strategies that could be adopted in regard to this issue include the increased surveillance to enhance proper interactions between the visitors and the animals. There should also be zoning for example by keeping the children away from the majority of the animals. Lastly, the Singapore Zoo should limit size of visitors who are coming to the zoo in group to allow decongestion in the zoo (Giongo, Bosco-Nizeye, and Wallace, 1994). 5. Conclusion In conclusion, the Singapore Zoo, being an attractive tourism site should be made as efficient as possible and it is critical for the manager of the Singapore Zoo to be aware of the overcrowding issue happening in the zoo and the impacts arisen from it. Furthermore, the issue can be minimized by utilizing the stated recommendations in order to achieve the management objective and to preserve the recreational values of the Singapore Zoo. Methodology There are two types of approaches which have been used to gather all the information needed for the working of this report, namely quantitative and qualitative approaches. For the qualitative approach, the research is done through direct observation on the tourism site discussed in this report which is the Singapore Zoo whereas the quantitative approach is done by getting information from secondary data such as academic journals, magazines, and related website for the discussion. Reference Barr, D. (2005). Zoo and aquarium libraries: An overview and update. Canadian press. Giongo, F., Bosco-Nizeye, J. and Wallace, G.N. (1994). A study of visitor management in the world’s national parks and protected areas. College of Natural Resources, Colorado State University. Graefe, A., Kuss, F.R. and Vaske, J. J. (1990). Visitor impact management: A review of research. Washington, DC: National Parks and Conservation Association. Hendee, J., Stankey, G. Lucas, R. (1990). Wilderness management, North American Press, Golden, CO. Innes, J. (2006). Scholarly communication and knowledge management in American zoos. Nova Southeastern University press. Kisling, V.N. (1988). American zoological park libraries and archives. Oxford: Oxford press. Kreag, G. (2001). The impacts of tourism. New York: Minnesota University press. Miller, G.D. (1981). An inquiry into the role of libraries in zoos and aquariums. Chicago: University of Chicago press. Pigram, J.J.J., Jenkins, J.M. (2006). Ou tdoor Recreation Management. (2nd ed). New York: Routledge Scheider, I.E. Hammit, W.E. (1995) Visitor response to outdoor recreation conflict: A conceptual approach. Leisure science 17, 223-234. Singapore Zoo. (2011). Overview: About the Singapore Zoo. Retrieved at 30 November 2011, from

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Adapting Canada to the Future of a World With Scarce Water Essay examp

Introduction Water is just more than drinking water. Water is the most basic and vital resource that humans need to sustain themselves. Water is used for food production from irrigating crops to actually manufacturing them. Canada like the world, uses water for sanitation, cleaning, manufacturing and daily function. Demand and supply will soon be at a crossroad, as increasing population creates increases in pollution, waste-water and global warming (Baker, 2007). This paper will seek to examine the effects of global warming on Canada’s freshwater system, the effects of pollution and will evaluate how Canada manages its freshwater now and what Canada can do to form policies that will adapt to the future crisis in Canada’s freshwater. Degradation of the Great Lakes The North American Great Lakes are the largest resource in freshwater lakes in the world. They contain 95 percent of North America’s freshwater and more than 20 percent of the world’s freshwater (Barlow, 2008). The Great Lakes play a prime role in Canada because they provide water and livelihood to more than 40 million people and are also a huge economic player in Canada (Barlow, 2001). Unfortunately, the lakes are shadowed by a serious threat because of the rise of global warming. In July 2010, The Canadian Press announced that there has been an 11 degree increase in surface temperatures in Lake Superior. There has also been a decrease in precipitation as a result of increasing lake temperatures. Lakes are reaching their summer temperatures weeks ahead of time (Barlow, 2010). This quick change in temperature adversely affects the aquatic chain of life, leading to algae bloom, inevitably increasing Eutrophication. This in combination with Canada’s growing popu latio... ...esult of our industrial system and pollution, we must have a plan to retaliate. Canada needs to see the impacts and decaying of the Rockies and the Great Lakes. The examination of global warming and pollution on Canadian soil is increasing; the future of water is at risk. Without water, Canada cannot sustain itself. New policies must overtake the old; we must improve our priorities and make water the public good that it is. New water managing strategies must be in place. After global warming, the fate rests in the policy making of the government, we must improve our systems, increase research and re-examine failures of water management, including the extent to which we must enforce water laws. The looming crisis on water does not have to be a crisis if we have a plan to combat it, if we have technologies to aid us in a world where water will one day become scarce.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Dabur India Limited

Pillai’s Institute of Management Studies and Research Project Report On â€Å"Dabur India Limited† Submitted To: Prof. Momita mam BY: 29-Rashmi Gawand 37-Priyanka Jagtap DABUR INDIA LIMITED Dabur India LimitedDabur India Ltd. is the fourth largest FMCG Company in India. Dabur deals in Health care and Personal care products. Today, Dabur has a turnover of Rs. 1899. 57 crores. The market penetration of Dabur is of about 1. 5 million retail outlets all over India with 47 C& F agents and more than 5000 distributors.Dabur India is divided into 2 major strategic business units: * Consumer Care Division * Consumer Health Division Dabur has 3 subsidiary group companies: 1. Dabur Foods 2. Dabur Nepal 3. Dabur International- Further divided into Asian Consumer Care in Bangladesh, African Consumer Care in Nigeria and Dabur Egypt. | | Dabur has 13 ultra-modern manufacturing units in:? Jammu & Kashmir ? Uttar Pradesh ? Himachal Pradesh ? Madhya Pradesh ?Rajasthan ? Uttaranch al ? West Bengal ? Silvassa ? Nepal Dabur Health CareDabur's Health  Care range brings for you a wide selection of Ayurvedic and natural products that offer complete care for varying individual needs. Our products are derived from the time-tested heritage of Ayurveda, and backed by the most modern scientific test ;amp; trials that ensure unfailing quality and safety in anything you pick. Dabur's Brands * Activ Juice * ActiveAntacid * Active Blood Purifier * Amla Flower magic * Amla Hair oil * Babool Mint Fresh Gel * Babool Toothpaste * Badam Oil * Balm Double Action * Balm Strong * Burrst * Capsico * Chyawan Junior * Chyawanprash * Chyawan Prakash * Dazzl * Glucose D * Gripe Water * Hajmola * Hajmola Candy * Hommade * Janma Ghuti * Gulabari Face Freshner * Gulabari Rose Water * Gulabari Moisturising cream * Honey * Honitus Cough Syrup * Honitus Lozenges * Lal Dant Manjan * Lal Tail * Lemoneez * Meswak Toothpaste * Odomas * Odonil * Odopic * Promise Toothpaste * Pudin Hara * Real * Red Toothpaste * Sanifresh * Shankha Pushpi * Shilajit Gold * Super Thanda Oil * Uveda 2 in 1 Moisturising cream * Uveda Clarifying Face Wash * Uveda Complete Fairness Cream * Uveda Moisturising Face Wash * Vatika Black Shine Shampoo * Vatika Conditioner * Vatika Dandruff Control * Vatika Enriched Almond * Vatika Enriched Coconut * Vatika Root Strengthening * Vatika Smooth & Silky Exports ? United Kingdom ? Egypt ? Bangladesh ? Dubai ? Nigeria ? Nepal Dabur has its offices and representatives in America, Europe, and Africa. It exports Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients to Latin America, Europe, Africa, and other Asian countries. Dabur also exports herbal products to Middle East, Far East, and several European countries. Today Dabur is marketing its products in more than 50 countries. | Dabur Herbal and AyurvedicDabur presents a range of Herbal & Ayurvedic Personal Care products, created to make you look and feel good. Bringing together the gentle touch of nature and Ayurveda 's wisdom, the range covers categories like Hair Care, Skin Care and Baby Care, and is backed by the unfailing quality stamp of Dabur. Dabur Home Care Dabur India Ltd has a portfolio of superior products that help take care of your home. The range of Home Care products have been carefully developed to ensure that your living space not only looks good, but also smells good, all day long. And more importantly, they help keep your family healthy. Odonil keeps your home fresh and smelling great.Odomos protects your family from disease causing mosquitoes while Odopic leaves your dishes clean and smelling fresh. Sanifresh Shine keeps your toilet sparkling clean and free from germs while our latest innovation Dazzl gives a mirror like shine to your floors, kitchen and glass surfaces, while keeping them germ-free. Building on a legacy of quality and experience for over 125 years, Dabur India Ltd has introduced a slew of Ayurvedic over the Counter (OTC) products, offering traditional Ayurved ic remedies in ready-to-use formats. This is part of the company’s strategy to make Ayurveda more contemporary for the modern day consumer. Dabur, with its roots in Ayurveda, has been involved in bringing this age-old science within everyone’s reach.Dabur's Consumer Healthcare business is the Company's oldest business, and today has a growing portfolio of OTC products to address a variety of problems ranging from Women's Health to Baby Care and  Cough & Cold to Rejuvenation. Ayurveda The ancient Indian system of medicine based on natural and holistic living, derives from two Sanskrit words – Ayu or life, and Veda or knowledge. This Science of Life analyses the human body through a combination of the body, mind and spirit. Originating nearly 5,000 years ago, Ayurvedic texts were researched by Dabur in its quest for natural remedies. Today, its application in modern life has been renewed through the scientific research and validation undertaken at Dabur. Rea l Active Juices ContainsReal Activ is a range of unsweetened juices that contain NO ADDED SUGAR, COLOURS OR PRESERVATIVES. Real Activ juices are made from concentrated juices. After the juice is pressed from the fruit, the water is removed to reduce transportation load. At our factories, during the manufacturing of juices/ juice blends, we add back the equivalent quantity of water. Thus, Real Activ Juices have as much juice as present in respective fruit. Real Activ Juices contain * 0% Added Sugar * No Added Colour or   Preservatives * Naturally rich in antioxidant Nutrients * Helps meet 1  serve of your 5-a-day Dabur's Real Activ range includes: Antioxidant Rich JuicesAntioxidants are substances that help protect the body by neutralizing free radicals that cause cell damage. Antioxidant Nutrients like Betacarotene ;amp; Vitamin C are known to neutralize ‘Free Radicals’ and help strengthen the immune system. * Real Activ Orange Carrot Juice is a 100% juice made from Oranges and Carrots which provide the natural goodness of antioxidants nutrients like Betacarotene ;amp; Vitamin C * Real Activ Orange Carrot 1 Glass (250ml) equals: 100% RDA of Beta-carotene* 40% RDA of Vitamin C * Real Activ Orange Juice is an ideal breakfast juice rich in antioxidant nutrient like Vitamin C Activ Orange 1 Glass(250ml) = 100% RDA of Vitamin C*Refreshing Cooler Real Activ Apple Juice * Real Activ Apple juice provides you the goodness of Apples. Apples are packed with nutrients and anti-oxidants and are Very low in sodium. * 1 Glass (250ml) of Real Activ Apple juice provides juice of 4 Apples. So pick up a pack of Real Activ Apple juice for a refreshing break   Fruit-Vegetable Delight Real Activ Mixed Fruit Spinach Cucumber Juice * Real Activ Mixed Fruit Spinach Cucumber juice is a refreshing ;amp; nutritious blend of fruits ;amp; vegetables with the goodness of 8 delicious fruits (Apple, Orange, Passion Fruit, Guava, Pineapple, Mango, Apricot ;amp; Banana) and V egetables like Spinach, Cucumber.This helps you meet a serve of fruit ;amp; vegetable * 1 Glass (250ml) of Mixed fruit Spinach Cucumber is Very Low in Sodium. As per USFDA, diets low in Sodium may reduce the risk of Hypertension or High BP Real Activ Mixed Fruit Beetroot Carrot  Juice * Real Activ Mixed Fruit Beetroot Carrot juice is a refreshing ;amp; nutritious blend of fruits ;amp; vegetables with the goodness of 8 delicious fruits (Apple, Orange, Passion Fruit, Guava, Pineapple, Mango, Apricot ;amp; Banana) and Vegetables like  Beetroot ;amp; Carrot * It also provides you 1 serve of fruit ;amp; vegetable Start your day with Real Activ Juice which is deliciously tasty ;amp; gives the natural goodness of fruits ;amp; vegetables without the burden of added sugar.No wonder, with Real Activ in your life you can Say NO to all things artificial and Stay Fit the Natural Way. Dabur Chyawanprash Dabur Chyawanprash has anti-oxidant properties ;amp; strengthens your body's internal defe nse mechanism, the immune system, thereby protecting you from everyday infections, cough, cold & stress etc. At a time when flu and viruses are everywhere, your immunity system provides the best prevention from these deadly diseases. Chyawanprash, a time-tested, age-old formulation has a number of herbs like Amla, known to be one of the best antioxidants, Giloy (Guduchi) known to have immuno modulatory properties, and has more than 40 other natural ingredients, to boost immunity. |Dabur Chyawanprash, The Health Giver * Derived from 2,500-year-old Ayurvedic formula * Totally chemical-free, natural and safe * Powerful combination of herbs and plant extracts in a base of Amla fruit pulp * Refined by Dabur to provide traditional goodness with best quality * Reinforces the immune system & helps fight disease * Trusted health provider of a majority of Indian households| Hajmola Pop a Dabur Hajmola and enjoy the chatpata flavour that stimulates your digestive power. Take it regular ly, especially after a meal. The popularity of this Ayurvedic digestive can be gauged by the fact that almost 2. 5 crore Hajmola tablets are consumed every day in India. An Ayurvedic digestive medicine, Dabur Hajmola was the first to be branded as a product.It has a mix of traditional Indian culinary herbs, spices and edible salts. Dabur Hajmola is a market leader with 60% share of the digestive tablets segment in India. Dabur Pudin Hara Dabur Pudin Hara gives quick relief from stomach ache, gas and indigestion. It is a trusted, fast-action remedy for stomach disorders. Pudin Hara is completely natural and safe. Dabur Glucose D Get a jump start on your day by filling up with the extra energy of Dabur Glucose-D. Enriched with Vitamin-D and Calcium for easy assimilation and quick replenishment of essential vitamins, minerals and body salts, Dabur Glucose is a ready source of energy to fight tiredness. It refreshes you instantly.Besides helping in quick recovery of energy lost due to f atigue, Dabur Glucose also provides essential nutrients that refresh and energizes you to fight tiredness and fatigue caused by summer heat. Extremely good for growing children and sportspersons, Dabur Glucose also helps in all-round development of kids. Dabur Honey Honey has been used for its medicinal and therapeutic value for centuries in India. Dabur India Limited saw the potential of honey beyond its remedial value, helping every household imbibe the goodness of this natural wonder liquid in their day-to-day life * Dabur Honey launched as a food product * Largest player in the branded honey market, commanding over 75% of the total share   * Recently launched in convenient, easy-to-use squezee pack * Focusing on promoting food-led usage.Dabur Vatika Black shine Shampoo Vatika Black Shine shampoo is packed with the goodness of Black Olives and Amla that help maintain the black colour of your hair and give it incredible shine. Unlike normal shampoos, Vatika Black Shine Shampoo d oes not have any harmful chemicals. Its active natural ingredients help maintain the black colour of your hair without damaging them. Dabur Vatika Smooth & Silky Shampoo Vatika Smooth & Silky Shampoo is a natural shampoo that conditions from deep within, while gently cleansing and nourishing your hair. Its offers the gentle & caring touch of nature that leave your hair soft, silky and radiant.It has the perfect balance of natural ingredients like Henna, Green Almonds and Shikakai that turn your dull & lifeless hair into smooth & silky without damaging them. Dabur Vatika Dandruff Control Vatika Dandruff Control Shampoo removes dandruff without being violent on hair. Discover non-violence, the new beauty mantra captured in Vatika Dandruff Control Shampoo range. Enriched with the goodness of nature, Vatika gently removes 100% dandruff and prevents recurrence, without causing any damage to hair. So what you get is dandruff-free, beautiful hair. That's the power of no n-violence. Dabur Vatika Conditioner Dabur now  presents a range of natural conditioners under brand Vatika.The Vatika range of conditioners is packed with active natural  ingredients that nourish your scalp and hair to ensure that your crowning glory shines with health. Dabur’s in-depth knowledge of nature ;amp; natural ingredients has helped us create a range of conditioners that offer the goodness of nature without any side-effects, and give you problem-free hair. These nourishing conditioners from nature come in two SKUs of  100ml and 200ml, and are available in two variants: Vatika Smooth ;amp; Silky Conditioner Vatika Smooth  ;amp; Silky Conditioner has active natural ingredients   like  Henna and Amla that ensure natural conditioning of hair,   and Green Almonds, which  help nourish scalp and hair. Vatika Root Strengthening ConditionerVatika Root Strengthening Conditioner is packed  with natural  ingredients like Coco Milk, which  provides conditi oning, and  Almonds that  help strengthen the hair from root to tips. Dabur Hair Oil Dabur's range of natural Hair Oils have an array of specialized products that offer you problem-free hair, making your crowning glory grow healthy, lustrous and full of life. Give hair the nourishment of Amla (Indian gooseberry) with Dabur Amla or add the magic of white flowers to your mane with Dabur Amla Flower Magic. Enrich your hair from root to tip with Vatika Enriched Coconut Hair Oil, or  up your hair's style quotient with Vatika Enriched Almond Hair Oil. Dabur Uveda 2-in-1 Moisturiser 24-Hour soft and hydrated skin that glows from within Dabur Uveda 2-in-1 Moisturiser presents an alternate way to skin moisturising.It has unique Ayuredic ingredients that help build a reservoir of moisture in the inner layers of the skin that keeps skin hydrated for 24 hours and also protects the skin from damages due to the sun's radiation. Complete Fairness Cream Fair skin that glows from within Dabur Uveda Complete Fairness Cream presents an alternate way to fairness. With unique Ayurvedic ingredients, it works on the inner layers of the skin, making it lighter, nourishing it with every use to give complete fairness that glows from within. Moisturising Face Wash Dabur Uveda Moisturising Face Wash presents an alternate way to skin cleansing. Its Ayurvedic ingredients not only help clean your skin but replenish moisture in the inner layers, giving you clean, soft skin that glows from within.

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Industrial Revolution And The Changing Of The Face Of...

The Industrial Revolution and the changing of the face of England As a result of the Industrial Revolution, England experienced a change in almost all aspects of life and how it was lived. During the late 18th and Early 19th centuries, advances in scientific and technological innovations engaged England in a growth of all things. Agriculture, industrial production, economic expansion and changes in living conditions were the most affected, as advances in machinery all happened very quickly. The Industrial Revolution, simply, is the time at which Europe and America became industrial and urbanised areas. Prior to the 18th century, the manufacturing of goods was often done in people s homes, using hand tools or exceedingly basic machines.†¦show more content†¦England had bountiful quantities of all of these things, and this is why they were able to move to a new way of life. Furthermore, England was able to obtain valuable raw materials such as expensive types of wood and cotton from colonies nearby. Because England is an island and detached from Europe, it was not destroyed by the 18th century wars, though it did participate in them. Because of this, the availability of the resources needed for the revolution was at an all-time high. The Industrial Revolution first started in the English textile companies, because of the heavy demand for cloth. In this case, power means the amount of energy that can be applied to work. The new source of power for the Revolution was steam, formed by the heating of water. Because steam power can be used to drive an engine and operate machinery, the steam engine made the tremendous industrial expansion of the 19th and 20th centuries possible. The Industrial Revolution brought a greater volume and variety of factory-produced goods to the communities around England, and raised the standard of living for many people, especially those living in the middle and upper classes. However, those living the poor and working classes continued to experience great challenges. Wages for those who worked in main factories were low and working conditions were often very dangerous. Inexperienced and unskilled workers had little job security and were often replaced almost